Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Enjoying the Nusa Dua, Bali

More Family Fun in Bali

Pat and John getting ready for the day!

Lauren wearing her new flower clips.
Chad and I feeding the ducks.
Jordan and Mimi
Beautiful Mimi in her island dress.
Mimi holding tired Jack.
She adores her daddy! She is his mini me.
Jordan was proud of her Kid's Club craft. Flowers with a stick puppet.

We visited a batik factory in Bali where they make the batik material.
First they wove the material on this loom.

Next they go through a process of putting on wax, painting, washing and repeating those steps until the final product is complete.
Here are some examples of the finished batik product.  Batik has a rich history and one of the country's most highly developed art forms.  To learn more about batik and its history, visit: http://www.expat.or.id/info/batik.html

Jordan, Lauren and Jack have become little fish this summer. Here are more pics of our time at the beach and pool.

 The wild life here is really friendly.  The squirrels eat from your hands and will crawl all over you if you have food.

At the Beach During Low Tide
Just a few hours ago this was all covered with water.  We were able to walk out quite a long way and view some marine life in the tide pools.

Here are a few pictures in and around Nusa Dua

 Lost pilot?...

Saying Goodbye to Bali and Elly at the airport.

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