Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bali Hindu, Religeon, Culture and Other

Bali  Decorative Structure

Preparing an offering to Hindu god

Small Hindu Temple

Papa John sitting in the front of our tour van.  Hanging from mirror is a tribute to Hindu gods.

Hindu Temple

Hindu offering to the gods on the sidewalk.  I actually stepped on this on our way back to our van.  I felt really bad about it until I read that they believe that their gods take the essence out of the offering instantly so they do not mind if the offering is stepped on.  Also, dogs and cats will be seen snacking out of the offerings, but as the locals think the offering is taken immediately, they do not mind.

The only Christian church I have seen here.  We went inside and they were getting ready for a wedding. A Muslim temple is connected to it.

One of the many statues here.

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