Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Going on Holiday... to Jakarta, Indonesia

The Dallas Andersons in Jakarta, Indonesia

Counting down the days until we leave the USA for Jakarta, Indonesia in Southeast Asia.  Chad's parents, John and Pat Anderson, moved to Jakarta at the end of 2007 for John's work.  John works for Fairfield Industries, which utilizes 3-D seismic data to discover probable sites for ocean oil exploration.  Having lived over seas in England and Singapore throughout John's career, living in Jakarta has been an easy adjustment for them.  They embrace the adventure and enjoy experiencing other cultures they encounter in their world travels.  We are excited to have the opportunity to visit their home away from home this summer! I am looking forward to learning more about Indonesia and the wonderful cultural experience this will be for our family.  It is going to be so much fun seeing what Pat and John's daily ExPat life is like!

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